Typo gem

Typo is a weblog (i.e blog) engine developed in the ruby on rails, using this we can post messages, comments........etc. It's also having an administrative interface to manage the postings and comments. Install the typo using gem install typo command or download from the rubyforge at http://rubyforge.org/projects/typo/

--> After successful installation of the typo gem navigate to the typo folder from the command prompt

C:\>cd C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\typo-5.1.3


--> Change the database.yml.example file to the database.yml file under the config directoy in the typo folder and change the database settings

--> Freeze the rails gems to the version 2.0.2 as the typo supports upto rails 2.0.2 version only.

--> Create the database using the rake db:create command, it will create the database

--> Migrate the database using rake db:migrate ths creats all the tables for the typo database.

--> Load the fixtures into the database using the following command.

C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\typo-5.1.3>rake db:fixtures:load
(in C:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/typo-5.1.3)


--> Run the server by running the ruby script/server command and start browser at http://localhost:3000

Admin interface at http://localhost:3000/admin


Ryan Clemson said...

Great guide! For anyone that may be looking for a complete guide to install Typo and Rails on Ubuntu - a.k.a. how to host your own typo blog in under 60 minutes!.

m basit m said...
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